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Advancing with has changed a great deal recently. Come catch up on all the latest tools and tweaks so you can reach more rewarding results on your own. **Companion study group available.
AncestryDNA Deciphered
AncestryDNA is changing exponentially each year! This presentation explores all the latest, how to access all features, how to use them to your best advantage, and many strategies to identify unknown cousins. Decipher your AncestryDNA matches today! **Companion study group available.
Archives Research & How to Use Basic Resources Found There
How do archives differ from libraries? We will explore the colorful history of archives, types of archives & the roles they play, how they’re organized, and how to find and access their holdings using catalogs, databases, finding aids and digital collections. We’ll even talk about planning your own archives research trip!
Bare-Bones Basics for Beginners
This is your chance to experience an overview of the “bare-bones basics” about resesarching your family history! Find out how to start with what you know, fill out classic forms (like Family Group Sheets or Pedigree charts), use desktop software, flesh out dates with historical sotires. [Breathe …] AND learn some basic tips on interviewing, checking your home, formulating research quersetions, tracking sourcees, online search tips, resisting Bright Shiny Objects, using social media intelligently, sharing your discoveries, and utilizing local experts. Whew! That’s a lot to pack in but Laura makes it fun! ** Companion study group available.
Census Discoveries: The Springboard to Splashy Research
Exploring the U.S. Federal Census, we will learn about its history, purposes, how to use it, and where to find it. Laura demonstrates some tips and tricks to try on your own and looks at a case study from her grandmother’s Quaintance family.
Collateral & Cluster Research
What do these two interrelated terms mean? How can learning about this type of search help you unpuzzle your ancestors’ stories? Understanding and utilizing this “backdoor” approach can help break down brick walls. Come explore these fascinating and rewarding techniques.
Coming to America: The Immigrant Experience
Starting with a fascinating historical perspective on what the experience was like for our immigrant ancestors, this presentation then leads into the types of immigration or emigration records kept and where to find them. Where were the ports of embarkation? Where did people go, depending on the year, when they arrived in America? What about naturalization – never simple, especially if you were female. As time permits, some of the best immigration record search engines will be demonstrated.
Digital Files
Swamped with photos and scans from your research and don’t quite know what to do with all of them? This presentation helps you find answers. Explore what encompasses digital files and how to create a consistent structure, file names, and storage. Adapt a system of your own from Laura’s bountiful examples!
Digitizing Those Precious Memories
This topic focuses specifically on scanning, archiving, and organizing precious photographs. Using additional resources and handouts Laura will help participants think through their own digitizing projects and begin to make plans.
DNA #1: Beginning Genetic Genealogy
Since DNA has become the latest technique in our genealogy toolbox, it’s important to understand what this means for your own research. This presentation covers some DNA Basic Training and helps you develop a DNA research question based on your own personal testing strategy. Which test? Which company? Come explore some answers.
DNA #2: What Do I Do With It Now That I Have It? Working With DNA Test Results
Once you get your DNA test results back, how can you best understand and utilize them? This presentation covers lots of tips on transferring raw DNA results to other companies, creating a skeleton digital family tree to link to your test results, working with family members’ tests & more. **Companion study group available.
DNA #3: Going the Extra Mile - Additional Sites, Tools, & Techniques
After learning the basics and making the most of our DNA tests, this third installment looks at analyzing those results using DNA tools like Shared Matches and Chromosome Browsers, plus an introduction to GEDmatch, Visual Phasing, DNA Painter & more. There are so many cool tools out there expanding our DNA abilities! **Companion study group available.
Ethnic Records & International Research
Are you intimidated by starting a family history search with overseas records? Starting with your immigrant ancestor and continuing through locating their home village, town, or city, this presentation shows some of the points you’ll need to cover and a good selection of tools to help your journey over the border or across the pond!
FamilySearch Sleuthing offers so many genealogical treasures and ALL FOR FREE! This presentation begins with the FamilySearch basics and goes on to investigate many of FamilySearch’s under-utilized features. This wonderful site offers a great deal more than you might think! **Companion study group available.
Finding & Working With Published Sources
Have you ever wondered whether, somewhere out there is a published book or manuscript in a repository giving fantastic, never-before-seen details on a surname you are researching? Learn how to locate these kinds of resources. Laura presents a method utilizing the GPS system to do an exhaustive search, gather your evidence, and analyze the materials you find for quality & accuracy. Though often difficult to locate, these published sources may prove invaluable!
Finessing FindMyPast
With its United Kingdom emphasis, FindMyPast is an incredible resource but are we taking advantage of it? Learn to finesse its finer points in this presentation and enrich your research. Laura covers FIndMyPast’s specialties, searching for records, their Family Tree function, and plenty more. **Companion study group available.
Fold3 Flair
Many family historians find Fold3 to be a bit intimidating. Since it’s indispensable in doing Military Records research and has so many other hidden gems to offer, why not develop some Fold3 flair? Learning Fold3 will benefit you in countless ways! **Companion study group available.
Handy with MyHeritage
Searching effectively on MyHeritage may be a challenge when you are more used to other sites. Help yourself access all that MyHeritage offers – increase your “handiness factor,” becoming familiar with this valuable resource. From Family Trees, your MyHeritage personal website, and their DNA offerings to their impressive Photo tools, this presentation is designed for you. **Companion study group available.
Headline DNA: Helping to Solve True Crime
With DNA making headlines as a key forensic tool, many want to know more about the science of crime-solving DNA analysis. What kind of DNA is this? How is it obtained? How is the DNA used? What are the developing issues involving privacy, insurance, or personal control? Come explore this hot topic and hear some examples from recent true crime headlines.
Explore a little-known subscription site perfect for family historians! HistoryGEO combines historical maps, geographical details, and the Bureau of Land Management documents for the original sale of land in many states. It’s a great short-cut companion for genealogy research!
Introducing the GPS (Nope - Not That One!)
It sounds dry but it’s fun! Come learn about a fundamental genealogical concept – the Genealogy Proof Standard (GPS for short). The group will look at and practice all five steps together. We will also learn the 3x3 Evidence Analysis Process (from Elizabeth Shown Mills) to understand Source, Information, and Evidence and how they impact each other. Putting all these pieces together makes your research accurate, complete and fascinating to share!
Issuing Citations (that help “prove” your genealogical research)
Using Dr. Thomas W. Jones’ book: Mastering Genealogical Proof, as a template and resource, this presentation explores, in a hands-on format, how to build essential citations documenting our sources used. Learn why citations are so essential, the 5 Ws of citations, how to craft 2-part citations, and details on the various types. Review basic genealogical underpinnings to understand and implement excellent citations: These include: characteristics of good research questions & Elizabeth Shown Mills’ 3x3 Evidence Analysis Process. Bring your own thoughts and be prepared to talk to your neighbors during this fun approach to issuing your own citations!
Look Into Lesser-Known Apps & Sites
This presentation highlights specific, but under-used and often lesser-known apps, sites, and helpful tools for our family history research. Get enlightened on free sites, screen capture apps, photo tools, cloud storage, and generally fascinating new things! **Companion study guide available.
Online Sites VERSUS Software on Your Own Computer
Even though many people now keep their family history research exclusively on online sites (like because it’s super convenient, there are dangers and drawbacks to this. Laura will examine the pros and cons and show you how to get the best of both an online tree AND software that lives on your own computer!
Organizing Your Chaos: Color-Coding & Beyond
This is your chance to experience an overview of the “bare-bones basics” about researching your family history! Find out how to start with what you know, fill out classic forms (like Family Group Sheets or Pedigree charts) use desktop software, flesh out dates with historical stories, and much more.
Pathways to Spicy Stories: An Overview of Court Records
Court records in their infinite variety are a treasure trove for genealogists because they are not just legal documents. They are pathways into the stories of our ancestors’ lives, often leading to clues we might otherwise miss. While vital statistics like birth, marriage, and death dates and places are important, it is the stories we uncover that add the extra spice. Attend this humorous attempt to give an overview of the various documents found in an American court!
Pay It Forward: Learning to Index on FamilySearch
Contribute to the future of genealogy - volunteer to help index new FamilySearch collections! This is not only rewarding since you are paying it forward, but it also hones your own skills reading old handwriting, deciphering place names, and becoming familiar with diverse records. A win-win all around! Laura walks you through getting registered, tutorials, how to pick your projects, and assessing your progress and contribution. Genealogists unite!
Probing for Probate: Researching in the Probate Court
Building on Laura’s “Pathways to Spicy Stories: An Overview of Court Records,” we zero in on only the Probate Court for a more in-depth look at the rich detail to be found in: Wills, Administration records, Inventories, and much more. If you haven’t yet dug into your ancestral probate files you’re likely missing out!
Quakers, Plain & Simple
Do you, like so many others, have Quaker ancestry? Laura will share tips on researching their amazing records and some stories of her own Quaker family – right down to the present day. Learn how the history of the Society of Friends (the official name of this religion) has impacted the United States for good and why you can be proud of Quaker additions to your family tree.
Record Vitality with Vital Records
We can always learn a little something more, even about familiar records like those for Birth, Marriage, and Death. This session skims the surface of the various vital records (what they are and how to locate them). Next, we explore substitutes to utilize when normal vital records cannot be found or do not exist. Finally, we examine challenges facing genealogists regarding records access and what we can do to improve that increasing danger.
RootsMagic Mastery
RootsMagic 8, the latest version, is a powerful and versatile lineage software that could be just the thing for you! Learn plenty of ‘how-to’s” in all aspects of the program, then apply them to your own research – achieving RootsMagic Mastery! **Companion study group available.
Shaky Leaves … YES!
Shaky Trees … NO! - Best Uses of Ancestry Trees
SO much wonderful information is available on in THEIR thousands of Family Trees that we cannot ignore it, but we must guard against making errors that result in “shaky foundations” in OUR family trees. This session will explore tips, techniques, and strategies to minimize the risks and maximize the results.
Starting Research (with Hidden Treasures You Already Own)
Go beyond the basics by hunting for family history “hidden treasures” right in your own home! Do you have birth, marriage, or death certificates? Or a family Bible? What about funeral cards? Old Valentines? Journals? Photos? Newspaper clippings? Explore what to look for and how to get the most out of these and many more to build your own family tree.
Tiptoeing Thru Tombstones: The Basics of U.S. Cemetery Research
Transcribing information from cemetery tombstones is something most every family historian does early on. Come learn about the history of cemeteries and how they’ve evolved, death customs through the years, meanings on tombstone symbols, religious clues, and much more. You’ll come away with a plethora of informative handouts. Plus, Laura shares her best strategies for your next cemetery field trip!
What’s Your Mission? (Inherited Collection, Future-Proofing, OR Attacking Your Stacks)
Which of these these Missions fits you? It’s safe to say any of us yearns for a treasure trove of already completed research to fall into our lap from a relative! But if this windfall comes to you (and it probably will at some point) how do you handle it? Many of us are concerned about leaving our legacy of research to someone in the future. And, if we’re honest, many of us still have stacks to attack! Laura walks through a step-by-step strategy to organize, sort, and integrate new information, safe-guard current information, and get your piles into files. A blindingly accurate, valuable, traceable life’s work is our Mission Target!
COMING SOON! Writing Wrap-Up
This talk focusses on several aspects of writing excellent & interesting family history, whether to share with friends and family or just for your own enjoyment. The genealogy fiction mystery series by Beth Farrar featuring heroine Ellie McClellan will be utilized as a jumping-off point. You might want to check out those books! Learn various writing exercises to get you going. Something new and different! **Companion study group available.